Ikaslan Mobility
Euskadi in the world: Uniting talents and culture

  • 15 years of experience
  • Thousands of positive stories

Ikaslan Mobility is the department responsible for managing international mobility for all the centers in the Ikaslan network, providing students and educators with opportunities for academic and professional development through international mobility programs.

More information

IKASENPLEGU – VET Labor Intermediation Service

IkasEnplegu is the Labor Intermediation Service of Bizkaia’s VET centers. This service has an employment exchange specialized in technical professional profiles.

IkasEnplegu offers support to individuals with qualifications in Vocational Training who are seeking employment and assists businesses in selecting workers.

  • Are you looking for a technical job in the Basque Country? Contact us!
  • Do you want to contract talent for your business? Contact us!

IKASGIDA – Orienting VET Service

IkasGida service guides and provides orientation in Basque Vocational Education and Training (VET).

IkasGida addresses all inquiries about Basque VET: its educational offerings, the DUAL qualification process (involving educational centers and enterprises), learning methodologies, the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation efforts for VET centers and the business landscape, and other related topics.”

If your organization is interested in Knowing the Basque VET system, contact us!

Alba Estanyol
Coordinator of Ikaslan Bizkaia
+34 606 050 489

IKASBIZI – Lifelong Learning Service

Public and free service promoted by the Department of Education and the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Basque Government with the aim of promoting and fostering lifelong learning.

The IkasBizi service provides up-to-date information on all training initiatives carried out in any field of knowledge and training mode (formal, non-formal, and lifelong) of our region.