Last week, IKASLAN Bizkaia directors visited Ireland to learn about the Irish Further and Vocational Education and Training (FET and VET) system and explore collaboration opportunities through #ErasmusPlus
We attended a meeting in Liberties College where they learned about #FET in Ireland. Niav Keating presented on the work of the Enterprise, Employees and Skills unit in SOLAS (An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna) in particular #SkillstoAdvance programmes and FET #MicroQualifications.
We also visited the AMTCE – Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence in Dundalk, Drogheda Institute of Further Education and CDETB Adult Education Centre in Crumlin.
📍 Visits:
@Liberties College
@SOLAS (An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna)
@AMTCE – Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence
@Drogheda Institute of Further Education
@CDETB Adult Education Centre
The trip offered insights of the Irish reality, and into innovative collaborations between schools, municipalities and businesses, as well as programs for adults reskilling and upskilling in order to adapt.