Futura and Endo-Fap, VET centers in the Italian region of Sicily, have opened their doors to Ikaslan Bizkaia centers and representatives of the association since the 25th. This internationalization activity is part of the Erasmus+ program projects related to Key Action 1: educational mobility of people (KA1).
On October 25, the 21 participants from the Ikaslan Bizkaia network arrived at the headquarters of Futura – Istruzione e Formazione Professionale in Trapani, a VET center with ten locations in Sicily. Its director, Filippo Cirinesi, and the consultant Giovanni Vultaggio shared with the Biscayan team the mission of the center and the value of Vocational Training in the Italian education system, and guided the participants through the facilities of the Trapani headquarters. The hairdressing, esthetics and wellness workshops, and the creations of the catering students were the focus of this visit, and the day ended with a presentation of the survey conducted with students and teachers to create new services and adjust to the needs.
The following day, the team went to Palermo to visit the Endo-Fap – Ente Nazionale Don Orione center with the director Salvatore Iacono. The teaching staff presented the didactic methodologies of the center, with emphasis on the development of the students’ transversal competences, giving as an example an event held among the students of the catering or marketing cycles, among others.
With these internationalization days, included within the Erasmus+ program, subsidized by the European Union, the management and staff of Ikaslan Bizkaia have had the opportunity to learn about the peculiarities and good practices of the Italian Vocational Training system. The internationalization of management and teaching teams is one of the cornerstones of Ikaslan Bizkaia, and we hope to continue with these exchanges of good practices that promote the development and improvement of VET.